Eric Pistol
Notes From The Feminazi Underground
Watch Your Backs Boys
October 26, 2003
by Eric Pistol
Rarely do we see the feminists at work encouraging false accusations. These ploys are usually kept under wraps, but today I can show you one.
I have changed the names to protect the innocent. I will call her Joanne in this article and him Mr. Thomson.
The facts are straightforward, SHE asks a mutual friend for his address and e-mail. A week later at 9.12am on the 6th August, SHE writes him an e-mail complaining that HE has turned HER down. These are her words.
Within the following 12 hours Joanne is busy seeing her shrink and the local feminists groups. They promptly arm her with false accusations, and below is a copy of the feminists letter to Joanne which she sends to Mr Thomson. Their opening salvo is a warning of the false accusations that are encouraged even when the Facts state that he declined her!
Feminists Opening Salvo at 9.01pm on 6th August.
From: *** Feminists Group
To: Joanne
Thank you for contacting our office about your concerns in regard to internet stalking. After reading the email correspondence you provided between "Larry" and you I conjecture that he is of the secret admirer type and an infatuated mentally unstable individual. I also suspect that he could be very dangerous if you were to come into his physical presence. His writing style indicates that he has been practiced his "skill" for quite awhile and has mastered how to cover up and side step most objections that his victims might have to keep his sick game going. His email to you suggests that he has put long hours and lots of thought into how to present himself in a "false" safe light. He has sent to you prepared perfected copies of his previous attempts to stalk others on the internet. He has a very disciplined routine and is very methodical in his advances toward his victims, which is one of the foremost indicators of a seasoned and highly skilled stalker with severe emotional problems. He has been doing this for a long time and has it down to a science.
Stalking is about domination. Stalkers become obsessive investigators, interrogators, intimidators and terrorists. According to current statistics, almost a million and a half people are being stalked by an ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, ex-wife, estranged husband, estranged wife, secret admirer, or an infatuated mentally unstable individual. The sick person stalking you falls into the last two classifications of stalkers. Celebrities and everyday people are potential victims of the stalker. Stalking is when someone contacts you when you request that they do not. They watch, follow, call, email, fax or continually send mail to you after you request they do not. Stalking is simply put as psychological terror. They try to make you a prisoner in your own life and your stalker has done just that to you because he now has you confused and fearful and preoccupied with what he will do next. You have done the right thing by contacting me at this office.
Red Flags, signs that you are being stalked include; an obsessive relationship that continues after the victim requests it does not, which includes; contact with you, your friends, family or work, following, threats, vandalism, dead or missing pets or an assault on the victim. Tell all you friends he is stalking you and ask them not to talk to him about you. Ask them to tell you if he does talk to them about you and get a written statement from them to that effect and then let me know immediately. &nbs
Warning Signals; when your intuition is telling you something is wrong immediately respond. The moment things start to go wrong respond with stated boundaries and call it quits. I saw in your last email to him that you requested he not contact you. I see that he did contact you again after that request. Send him a copy of this letter to let him know you are serious and that you have contacted law enforcement and notified friends, etc.
Ending a relationship; most stalkers have had some form of an emotional relationship with the victim. When the victim requests that the relationship must end, do it sternly and efficiently and make your feelings known. Stringing the stalker along only gives them hope and sends mixed signals. They will misconstrue your words and find hope in their meaning. Your stalker is in love with you according to his sick sense of romance and that is why he bombarded you with letters and cards when all you wanted was a chance to meet for coffee or something. He considers himself to be God?s gift to women when most women of any intelligence find him repulsive, belligerent and contemptible. Your stalker is rude, crude, selfish and of lower intelligence and that makes him a very serious threat.
Final Words; once you have ended the relationship and the stalker continues to make contact, under no circumstances do you respond. Emotions can eventually fade away, however, if you respond after a month of being contacted, you give the stalker their emotional fix and then they want more. More is never enough for the this sick stalker.
Do by all means warn your friends that he is stalking you and make it known where he is stalking other women victims. Most victims of stalkers do not realize they are being stalked until it is to late. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure when it comes to these sick individuals. They know what the law is far better then you will ever know it because they practice their shadowy activities day in and day out constantly searching for new victims to play their depraved and sick emotional games with. "Larry" is one of those.
After you have informed him DO NOT CONTACT ME OR ANY OF MY FRIENDS AGAIN make a copy of the letter and file it away for safe keeping. Simply by making that request to him you are positioned as a victim. If he contacts you again he has made his position known as a criminal stalker. If he then contacts you again you will have solid grounds for criminal prosecution. Do not change your email address, he wins if you do.
If and when he contacts you or any of your friends again notify our office and we will launch an immediate investigation and prosecute him to the full extent of the law on a local, state or federal level depending on the laws most applicable to his offense. Since he lives in our jurisdiction and you live in Missouri it would most likely be a federal offense. The federal laws have more teeth and are very victim friendly as compared to our local and state laws at this time. We are working to get them updated to reflect our times.
We have created a file on Mr. Thomson and if you know of other victims please have them contact me at this office. In cases like these when one comes forward there are usually ten more out there who have been victimized and just do not know what to do. We want to stop these stalkers before they hurt someone. This stalker looks as if from his emails to be getting close to acting out on his social frustrations. Right now it is you against him but with one or two more victims coming forward we can stop him forever.
I want to thank you for contacting this office and we will do everything within our power to stop him from harassing and stalking you and other women. Please thank Dr. Glasser for referring you to me. She has done more in this city single handily to educate and treat women for abuses by men then any other organization in the country. She is a real leader in the fight for the rights of abused women and I take her referrals very seriously.
Joyce XXXXXX - Battered Women's Shelter
And the entire above missive is sent, because he declined to form a relationship with her. Within 12 hours of her last email to him, in which Joanne complained that HE turned HER down, Joanne visits a feminist group, and their opening salvo is the fabrication of fact we see above.
Watch your backs boys. He declined her, and the Feminists claim that makes him a pervert.
Eric Pistol
Note: Mr Thomson contacted us immediately after receiving the above communication (and others) from the feminists group. He was astounded at how the feminists could fabricate the above based on the written facts. In future articles I will relate how further attacks by the feminists groups followed.
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