Hostile School Environment Created by Lesbian Teachers - Jim Kouri -�
Hostile School Environment Created by Lesbian Teachers
Pacific Justice Institute Battles ACLU, Homosexual Groups
February 14, 2005
by Jim Kouri, CPP
American public school teachers continue to fail in educating children while students continue to suffer from violence and crime. Yet, some school administrators find it more
important to preach about sexuality to kids and to push a gay agenda with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Public high school teachers in Santa Cruz County have recently begun hanging pro-homosexual posters in their classrooms. Lesbian teachers also have begun openly discussing their homosexuality in the classroom and providing referrals to third party gay, lesbian, and bisexual organizations to students questioning their own sexuality or who “feel queer,” as one poster states.
Numerous parents have complained to school officials because the students are clearly a captive audience. Parents also assert that the instructors stand in a position of authority but are teaching values that are inconsistent with what is taught in the home.
While teachers engage in this conduct under the guise of promoting tolerance, the teachers will not allow posters celebrating traditional families. Further, a student who is not interested in joining a diversity club is subjected to obscene gestures and other forms of harassment by aggressive gay and lesbian students.
“What is occurring at this school is that militant teachers and pupils are creating a hostile environment for students who hold faith-based or traditional values which view homosexuality as immoral,” said Brad Dacus, President of the Pacific Justice Institute. “The radical homosexual teachers’ idea of diversity education is that they will have a monopoly on the debate to the exclusion of everyone else.”
Parents who have requested that the pro-homosexual posters be taken out of the classrooms and pinned instead on public bulletin boards, where students can either read or ignore them, or placed with posters showing competing view points, have thus far been ignored by the school administration.
Homosexual organizations and the ACLU are reportedly claiming that this type of tolerance and diversity education is necessary to comply with anti-harassment laws. “That’s misleading. The truth is that those laws are not written exclusively for homosexuals. They apply equally to Southern Baptists, Mexicans, the physically disabled and everyone else,” said Kevin Snider, attorney for Pacific Justice Institute.
“Bullying and harassment is never appropriate in school. But it was never the intent of lawmakers to have public school teachers use anti-harassment laws as a soapbox for state sponsored endorsement of homosexuality.”
Jim Kouri
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