Sunday, April 24, 2005

Gay Marriage movement

Why FATHERS MUST FIGHT the Gay Marriage movement...
Dear Editor:
Certainly at first this next statement will sound a bit strange, but the gay marriage movement is MORE dangerous to fathers than the current horrendous custody bias in family courts. Over the years I have watched law review articles as a "harbinger" of things to come. In the last 3 or 4 years, there has been a HUGE amount of legal writing on the issue of "gay rights" and homosexual marriage. And about the same time, the number of articles on THIRD PARTY "parental involvement" has also increased.

With the advent of "gay" marriage, the issue of custody must eventually be dealt with. Whether by adoption, or by lesbian lovers where one partner has their own biological child, these relationships will end up in the "marriage" dissolution family "gas chambers." With homosexual marriage, NON-BIOLOGICAL THIRD PARTIES WILL BE GIVEN THE SAME "FUNDAMENTAL PARENTAL RIGHTS" AS BIOLOGICAL PARENTS! The case law will be made to UNDERMINE biological parental rights. And then the floodgates to more and more litigation and destruction of fathers is WIDE OPEN!


This is the most dangerous development in family law in its entire history. It is WORSE than the tender years doctrine or the current bias in the family courts. What a wonderful way for the family butcher lawyers to get rich promoting legal warfare between stepparents who will be placed on the SAME LEGAL FOOTING as biological parents! And just wait dads, how long do you think it'll be before you have NO rights to your own children, and those rights will be LEGALLY GIVEN to the third party stepparent and you'll STILL have to pay child support or go to jail! So far judges have just shafted dads by giving custody to mom, wait till they start giving custody to mom AND STEPDAD and you have NO RIGHTS (even less than you think you have now!)

Do a Westlaw or Lexis-Nexis search at your nearest college on homosexual marriage, and gay marriage and you'll see what has been leading up to the most recent debacle. Then do a FRIGHTENING search on third party custody, and on feminism and you'll receive the shock of your life. THAT'S COMING NEXT FOLKS!! And since the law on "fundamental parental rights" is so solid, they have to DESTROY that by undermining the biology issue to bring in third parties.

You thought it was bad before? Family Butcher Lawyers, working with their Family Executioner Judges, in their family gas chamber courts are about to ratchet it up several notches! And just like the frog boiling slowly to death as the heat is slowly raised, this won't happen in a day or two, but one day dads will wake up and realize that the mess today is paradise compared to the gulags that are coming.


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