Monday, January 24, 2005

Inbox Message List

In-laws get the blame for divorces

Anushka Asthana
Sunday January 23, 2005
The Observer

Pressure from other family members is responsible for nearly a fifth of all marriage break-ups, according to a survey of lawyers who advise on divorce cases.
A report published today reveals that nearly 20 per cent of divorcees cite pressure from their families as the reason for their split, compared with just one in 10 last year. Family strain, now the second most common reason given for divorce, is a particular problem from relatives of the wife, who are blamed eight times out of 10.
The survey by Grant Thornton, an accountancy and consultancy firm, shows that the main cause of marital breakdown is still a partner having an affair.
The third placed reason is emotional or physical abuse, which has also seen a jump since last year.
Toby Yerburgh, a partner in family law with solicitors Collyer-Bristow, said: 'People live at home longer these days and are quite bound up with their parents.
'It is a difficult tie to break and that could mean there is more interference in a marriage. It could also be to do with the fact that it is harder to get on the housing ladder, so not only do people stay at home, but they are more reliant on parents.'
He added that it came as no surprise that abuse was increasingly given as a reason for separation. 'Traditionally it was more physical abuse, and there was far greater prevalence of male towards female,' he said. 'But now emotional abuse is more understood as a concept.'
The report shows that in 60 per cent of cases women are the victim of abuse while in 40 per cent of cases it is the man.
The report reveals that men are losing out more financially when it comes to separation - doing better in only 10 per cent of cases, less than half the amount of last year. It shows that women tend to keep hold of the house and its contents.
The shift is a sign that the courts are increasingly looking towards the non-financial contributions of women to a marriage.
'There was a ground-breaking case where the wife challenged her small proportion of the assets, saying the courts had not acknowledged her contribution to the marriage,' said Toni Pincott, a matrimonial financial expert with Grant Thornton.
'After she won, the courts started with a presumption of equality when it came to assets - that meant factors such as the non-financial role of the wife was looked at.' Pincott added that the change could be why the survey shows an increasing amount of wealth for women after a divorce.
In another high profile case, Middlesbrough and former Arsenal midfielder Ray Parlour's ex-wife Karen was awarded a third of his footballing income over the next four years after her contribution in raising their children and looking after their home was taken into account.
Today's survey shows an increasing rate of pre-nuptial agreements, with the vast majority of lawyers saying they wished such deals would carry more weight in the courts. At the moment, these agreements are not legally binding, although they will be considered in cases without children.
The survey also lists mid-life crisis, addiction, workaholism and business problems as reasons for divorce. And it reveals that more and more divorces are reached co-operatively.
Professor Ben Fletcher, head of psychology at the University of Hertfordshire said: 'The status of marriage is changing so people don't see the sanctity of marriage in the way they used to.
'Of course people try to make it work, but if in the end it can't they want a co-operative split.'

The Gender Feminist Blame Game - Richard L. Davis -�

The Gender Feminist Blame Game

January 23, 2005

by Richard L. Davis


The male paradigm is peculiarly unsuited to mounting a challenge to men’s predicament. Men have no clearly defined enemy who is oppressing them. -Susan Faludi

To truly understand the dynamics of domestic and dating violence one must recognize that they are complex, multifaceted, and often misunderstood dilemmas that must be viewed through an unbiased lens. Contemporarily domestic and dating violence are often viewed myopically by both print and electronic media as males being the perpetrator and females their victim. Unbiased and impartial academic research documents that domestic and/or dating violence are issues that are misunderstood by most people, laypersons and professionals alike.

In 1995 Jeffrey Fagan wrote in the National Institute of Justice research report, The Criminalization of Domestic Violence: Promises and Limits, online the report is at, “Assuming that patriarchy and power relations alone cause [italics added] domestic violence leads us toward conclusions that do not consider a full array of explanatory variables from other disciplines.” Fagan’s advice seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Fagan’s logic fly’s in the fact of the philosophy behind the Violence Against Women Act and it impedes the ideology that drives the gender feminist agenda.

A gender feminist is an advocate who is more concerned with women’s rights than equal or civil rights. Reason and logic dictate that a gender nuturel advocate is one who should be concerned with human rights rather than the rights of only one gender. As for the bias of the Violence Against Women [italics added] Act, the title speaks for itself.

Concerning the issue of high school domestic and dating violence, one of the most respected national and internationally recognized organizations is the White Ribbon Campaign The White Ribbon Campaign makes no attempt to present the issue in a gender neutral context.

This author has three daughters and two sons. He understands that his daughters, as data document, are at greater risk to experience more serious, injurious and sexual domestic and dating violence assaults than their brothers. However, his daughters know and all data document that his sons are also at risk. A fact that the White Ribbon Campaign ignores.

As a retired police officer this author knows that those who report domestic violence incidents to law enforcement and suffer black eyes, bruises, broken teeth, cracked ribs, busted noses, and fractured jaws at the hands of those who profess to love them, are more often women than men.

However, there are no reasons for this author to view his three daughters as always or primarily being innocent and angelic victims of domestic abuse and their two brothers as being destined to be demonic abusive batterers.

The White Ribbon Campaign proclaims that men, their website excludes all women from any blame, have come to believe that violence against a woman, child or another man is an acceptable way to control the behavior of another person . Do they really believe that women or girls never use violence, abusive or coercive behavior as a dating or familial controlling tactic? They claim female dating violence against males is a rare event. Apparently they spend the vast majority of their time preaching to high school students and little to no time listening to them.

Why is it that the White Ribbon Campaign and other gender feminist organizations that moralize about dating or domestic violence in schools to our children seem to be only or primarily concerned with violence by males against females? Is it possible that not a single person in the White Ribbon Campaign or other gender feminists have ever read an unbiased dating violence study?

How is it possible that not a single person in the White Ribbon Campaign has ever taken the time to read any of the data from the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey Is not dating violence supposed to be their area of expertise? Their website documents they do not have a clue about the above survey or that it even exits. Worse still, perhaps they know the truth and simply ignore it.

An article in the August 1, 2001 Journal ofthe American Medical Association, “Dating Violence Against Adolescent Girls and Associated Substance Use, Unhealthy Weight Control, Sexual Risk Behavior, Pregnancy, and Suicidality,” begins by quoting from a National Institute of Justice study that “1.5 million women are physically and/or sexually abused each year in the United States.” Clearly the focus of the article is girls, however, what is the reason they only mention boys as perpetrators and girls as their victims?

In fact, for the above JAMA article to note that 1.5 million women are physically and/or sexually abused each year by an intimate partner the authors had to cut a sentence in half so that they could hide the truth. The sentence purposely cut in half by the authors, documents that 834,732 males also suffer abuse.

For the next seven pages the above article documents only the problems adolescent girls face concerning dating violence. Does it not seem logical to mention or to have a couple of lines about how boys have similar problems? Perhaps the inclusion of male victimization would interfere with their gender feminist agenda.

The same JAMA article was headlined in a Boston Globe article, “One in five teen girls abused.” No mention of boys in the Globe article. Using the same focus as the White Ribbon Campaign, the JAMA article concludes that, “Parents and peers appear to play a role in supporting adolescent males’ [emphasis added] violence toward dating partners…” Why do the authors exclude the fact that females use violence against boys? It appears from this article that girls do not need any parental or peer support concerning their violence. In fact the reader is never informed girls use any violence.

The article does contain important information concerning the plight of this authors three daughters, however, what about his sons? Why does not the JAMA article address boys as victims? Why do the authors of the article choose to ignore the plight of boys? Is it because the Violence Against Women Act is more concerned with males as perpetrators than as victims?

The National Center for Victims of Crime at one time was unbiased and noted that 45% of females and 43% of males reported being the victim from a dating partner. Now their home page notes that, “Twenty percent of teenage girls and young women have experienced some form of dating violence.” The National Center for Victims of Crime has chosen to ignore the victimization of boys. They are now political correct.

Another similar, yet unbiased, report, “Date Violence and Date Rape Among Adolescents: Associations With Disordered Eating Behaviors and Psychological Health, concerning the same type of adolescent abuse was administered in the Minnesota public schools and this report notes that nearly 9 percent of girls and 6 percent of boys report some type of abusive date-related experience.

The data in the JAMA article was from the 1999 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey . The survey documents that 18 percent of females and 7 percent of males report they were hurt physically or sexually by a date or someone they were going out with. Also 16 percent of females and 6 percent of males report that someone had sexual contact with them against their will.

The following is on the Massachusetts Jane Doe Inc. website

Jane Doe Inc. is a catalyst for change. Through our network of direct service providers, business partners, health professionals, law enforcement and government officials, school teachers and concerned individuals, we amplify the voices of those committed to breaking the silence and ending domestic violence and sexual assault.

We raise awareness, engage people to take action, increase access to and improve the delivery of services, act as a clearinghouse of information, promote efforts to address the needs of underserved communities, and advocate for public and private funding and improved policies and practices in the public and private sectors.

Jane Doe Inc. places a high priority on building bridges with and among our members as well as with allied organizations, government agencies and the private sector. We engage with our allies to address issues of health care, affordable housing, homelessness, economic development, civil rights including those for the disabled and immigrants. By drawing the connections between these concerns and the needs of sexual assault and domestic violence survivors, we share in the task of reaching solutions that integrate rather than divide our efforts [italics added].

On the Jane Doe website you will find that it proclaims that 1 in 5 female high school students report being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner Jane Doe makes no mention of boys being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner. This is appears to be divisive rather than an integrative.

National data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey paints a very different picture than the one being proffered by the White Ribbon Campaign, Jane Doe and other gender feminists.

The Gender Agenda

Why do the White Ribbon Campaign, Jane Doe and other gender feminists hide or attempt to erase the abuse of boys and men? How does Jane Doe plan on building bridges or providing solutions when they hide and ignore the abuse boys suffer? Should not all of us regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation deserve to be free from abuse? What is the real agenda of gender feminists?

The findings from the National Violence Against Women (NVAW) survey in the report, “Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women, documents that 40.0 percent of surveyed women and 53.8 percent of surveyed men report being physically assaulted by a parent, stepparent, or other adult caretaker as a child. Does this not document more male than female victimization?

Another National Institute of Justice sponsored study, Extent, Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence, from the same NVAW survey estimates that annually, 4.8 million women and 2.9 million men will suffer from intimate partner assaults. Is 2.9 million male victims so small a number as to be inconsequential to gender feminists?

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Children’s Bureau report, Child Maltreatment 1996: Reports From the States to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System, documents that 17,590 children were physically abused by men and 21,757 children were physically abused by women. And using an irony they fail to recognize or understand, gender feminists claim that women abuse children more often than men because more children are being raised by women than men.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics special report, Intimate Partner Violence and Age of Victim, 1993-99, document that concerning violence between persons of the same gender, that on an annual basis 13,740 males report being victims of same sex abuse and 16,900 females report they are victims of same sex abuse. Should we use this data to document that female same sex perpetrators are more violent than male same sex perpetrators?

The Bureau of Justice Statistics special report, Murder in Families, documents that “in murders of their offspring, women predominated, accounting for 55 percent of the killers.” These murders do not appear to be in self defense. In spousal murders, women account for 41 percent of the killers.

Concerning the Suppression of Rights

If domestic violence is caused by the suppression of women’s rights and gender inequity, please answer the following questions.

If domestic violence is caused by the suppression of women and gender inequity, why does perpetration and victimization rise and fall with the level of the socioeconomic and educational status of the participants while there is no change in gender differential percentages?
What is the cause of same sex violence?
What is the cause of elder abuse by both males and females against both male and female elders?
What is the cause of the high number of assaults on males as adults and/or as children by adult females?
Why should adult heterosexual women’s rights be our primary concern or more important than everyone else’s rights?
When will domestic violence advocates who insist on reducing the exploration of domestic and dating violence to a gender blame game between men and women understand that they are performing a disservice to all victims of abuse, regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation?
Why do so many domestic violence advocates continue to argue that women are abused while they argue about what “abuse” is or is not?
Why do so many domestic violence advocates continue to rail against the use of the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) as a measuring tool when it document equal victimization of men and women? Is it moral and just that these very same gender feminists use the CTS when they attempt to inflate the number of women they claim are being abused by men?
Why do gender feminists think the needs of women are more important than the needs of domestic violence victims regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation?
Why do so many domestic violence advocates want to continue arguing about victim percentage differentials?
Do domestic violence advocates really think that pitting one victim against another is a fair, just and compassionate solution to the problem?
Why does the White Ribbon Campaign proclaim that we should ask only male students to take a pledge not to hit female students?
Does the White Ribbon Campaign really expect anyone to believe that female students only hit male students in self defense?
Has no one in the White Ribbon Campaign ever spoken to a female student who hit her boyfriend because she was angry or jealous? Perhaps it is time they listen rather than lecture.
Equal Access for All Victims

After 4,000 years of recorded human history, that more often than not, ignored the issue of domestic violence, why not present, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Should notthe message be that no one, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation deserves to be hit and everyone regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation can be a perpetrator, victim or both? If so, why exclude male victimization?

The National Conference on Family Violence: Health and Justice met in March of 1994, 10 years after the first Attorney Generals Task Force on Family Violence demanded that the criminal justice system take the issue of family violence, not only or primarily violence against women, seriously

The 1994 conference notes that the problem of “family” violence in the United States is epidemic. The conference report estimates that the annual incidence of abuse of family members is at 2 to 4 million for children, nearly 4 million for women, and 1-2 million for elder adults. Not a single incident of male victimization. Are not men members of the family? At this conference there were 400 professionals and 80 national experts.

The National Violence Against Women Survey estimates that as many as 830,000 men may be victims of some type of domestic abuse each year. This would mean that every 37.8 seconds a man is abused by an intimate partner. How or why is it possible that these 480 professionals or national “experts” could not bring themselves, at least once, to mentionmale victimization? The report itself would not once note a single male victimization.

The majority of contemporary gender feminists and domestic violence advocates can not see male victims because they believe that domestic violence “is” violence against women. They believe that domestic violence is singularly or primarilycaused by patriarchal sexism and the power and control men want to exhibit over women.

If gender feminists were to admit male victimization does occur in large numbers their “patriarchal sexism” theory would fall by the wayside. Hence, their theory has become more important to them than recognizing male victimization as anything other than a “rare” event. As this conference documents, gender feminists are determined not to let the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth be heard.

In fact, for those law enforcement officers who might respond to a domestic violence incident and think that the female may have initiated the abuse and might be the primary aggressor, the report notes on page 7 that the officers must enforce “the primary physical aggressor” concept. The primary physical aggressor concept dictates that the larger and stronger of the people involved in the incident should be the person arrested. This is a sad, painful and shameful code concept for dictating the arrest the male not the female.

What gender feminists are unable or unwilling to understand is that their gender number blame game is driving people many people away from the issue of domestic and dating violence. This is harmful not helpful. Unbiased data document that being a domestic and/or a dating violence abuser or victim, can be problematic for anyone regardless of percentage of victimization, age, gender or sexual orientation.

Gender feminists need to learn how to exhibit equal concern and compassion for our daughters and our sons. Each and every time gender feminists ignore or minimize male victimization they perform a disservice to all victims of abuse.

All victims regardless of severity, frequency or percentage of victimization deserve our compassion and sympathy. No victim, regardless of age, gender or sexual orientation needs to equal half of the total number of victims in order to deserve equal access to services and funding. Perhaps once the gender feminists decide to end their righteousness of cause and their percentage participation gender blame game, more people, both male and female, will become more concerned about and more involved in seeking solutions and providing resolution.

Richard L. Davis

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Feminist Utopia, Social Nightmare - Carey Roberts -�

Feminist Utopia, Social Nightmare

January 19, 2005

by Carey Roberts

Every era has its utopian movements that hold out the promise of social perfectability. One such movement is feminism, which claims the path to social nirvana is the liberation of women and the creation of a genderless society.

One hundred years ago, feminism claimed that equal rights under the law was its goal. Once women won the right to vote in 1920, many predicted that having achieved its objective, the women’s movement would close up shop and fade away.

But feminism did not lapse into the dust-heap of history. It merely went underground.

For 40 years, the feminist cause was sustained and nurtured by the Communist Party of the USA. This was accomplished by establishment of the CPUSA Women’s Bureau in the 1920s, and later through the creation of a front organization, the Congress of American Women.

Recognizing its Communist origins, the US Department of Justice placed the CAW on its list of subversive organizations in 1948. (Go to the CPUSA’s web page at, and you will see how they have cleverly combined the Communist icons of the hammer and sickle to form a logo that closely resembles the radical feminist hand-mirror symbol.)

When the Civil Rights movement swept the nation in the 1960s, feminism came out of the woodwork. Although feminists still claimed to be working for gender equality, their actions would soon reveal a very different agenda.

Their true intentions became apparent in the feminist position on abortion. In their view, the decision to keep or dispose of an unborn child was the woman’s, and only the woman’s prerogative. No mention of gender equality there.

And the matter of who would gain custody of the kids in the event of divorce – would it be the mother, the father, or both? In the 1970s, the answer became clear, as chapter after chapter of the National Organization for Women came out in opposition to joint custody. This, in spite of the fact that this co-parenting arrangement affords equal rights to both parents – not to mention its benefits for the children.

Next the breast cancer crusade came along. Before long, the National Institutes of Health was spending three times more money on breast cancer research than prostate cancer. Where’s the equality in that?

Then came a series of laws that purported to protect women from predatory males: sexual harassment, domestic violence, and broadly-worded rape statutes. In theory they sounded good. But in practice, they violated men’s fundamental Constitutional protections of due process and equal protection under the law.

Affording equal opportunities to men and women is laudable. But in practice, feminism cares nothing about mere equality. Now, white women have become the most legally-protected and economically-privileged group in America.

At their core, all utopian movements seek to remold human nature. The Marxists demanded that the New Socialist Man place the interests of the state above the needs of the individual. And the feminist movement seeks to achieve a society in which the social and psychological differences between the sexes are eradicated.

But history reveals the populace inevitably begins to resist such extreme psychological make-overs. So the utopians soon look to the government for a solution. That entails placing ever-increasing power in the hands of petty bureaucrats.

When their policies begin to infringe upon individuals’ basic civil rights, the utopians inevitably explain that the ends justify the means. Thus the totalitarian state begins to emerge.

The feminist utopia is a social nightmare to women. Because feminism endeavors to remake women in the image of men. Feminism seeks to remove women’s choice to marry, bear children, and devote themselves to child-rearing.

The feminist utopia is a social nightmare to men. Because feminism wants to remake men in the image of women. In the feminist vision, men are a continual threat to women, so their rights and freedoms must be gradually curtailed.

And the feminist utopia is a nightmare to children. At best, gender feminists see their offspring as an impediment to maternal self-fulfillment. At worst, children are viewed as a contraceptive-abortive failure.

In 1870 Queen Victoria of England wrote, “I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of 'Women's Rights,' with all its attendant horrors …Were women to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection.”

One hundred and twenty-five years later, we should give her prediction a second look.

Mes Archives

Feminist Utopia, Social Nightmare

January 19, 2005

by Carey Roberts

Every era has its utopian movements that hold out the promise of social perfectability. One such movement is feminism, which claims the path to social nirvana is the liberation of women and the creation of a genderless society.

One hundred years ago, feminism claimed that equal rights under the law was its goal. Once women won the right to vote in 1920, many predicted that having achieved its objective, the women’s movement would close up shop and fade away.

But feminism did not lapse into the dust-heap of history. It merely went underground.

For 40 years, the feminist cause was sustained and nurtured by the Communist Party of the USA. This was accomplished by establishment of the CPUSA Women’s Bureau in the 1920s, and later through the creation of a front organization, the Congress of American Women.

Recognizing its Communist origins, the US Department of Justice placed the CAW on its list of subversive organizations in 1948. (Go to the CPUSA’s web page at, and you will see how they have cleverly combined the Communist icons of the hammer and sickle to form a logo that closely resembles the radical feminist hand-mirror symbol.)

When the Civil Rights movement swept the nation in the 1960s, feminism came out of the woodwork. Although feminists still claimed to be working for gender equality, their actions would soon reveal a very different agenda.

Their true intentions became apparent in the feminist position on abortion. In their view, the decision to keep or dispose of an unborn child was the woman’s, and only the woman’s prerogative. No mention of gender equality there.

And the matter of who would gain custody of the kids in the event of divorce – would it be the mother, the father, or both? In the 1970s, the answer became clear, as chapter after chapter of the National Organization for Women came out in opposition to joint custody. This, in spite of the fact that this co-parenting arrangement affords equal rights to both parents – not to mention its benefits for the children.

Next the breast cancer crusade came along. Before long, the National Institutes of Health was spending three times more money on breast cancer research than prostate cancer. Where’s the equality in that?

Then came a series of laws that purported to protect women from predatory males: sexual harassment, domestic violence, and broadly-worded rape statutes. In theory they sounded good. But in practice, they violated men’s fundamental Constitutional protections of due process and equal protection under the law.

Affording equal opportunities to men and women is laudable. But in practice, feminism cares nothing about mere equality. Now, white women have become the most legally-protected and economically-privileged group in America.

At their core, all utopian movements seek to remold human nature. The Marxists demanded that the New Socialist Man place the interests of the state above the needs of the individual. And the feminist movement seeks to achieve a society in which the social and psychological differences between the sexes are eradicated.

But history reveals the populace inevitably begins to resist such extreme psychological make-overs. So the utopians soon look to the government for a solution. That entails placing ever-increasing power in the hands of petty bureaucrats.

When their policies begin to infringe upon individuals’ basic civil rights, the utopians inevitably explain that the ends justify the means. Thus the totalitarian state begins to emerge.

The feminist utopia is a social nightmare to women. Because feminism endeavors to remake women in the image of men. Feminism seeks to remove women’s choice to marry, bear children, and devote themselves to child-rearing.

The feminist utopia is a social nightmare to men. Because feminism wants to remake men in the image of women. In the feminist vision, men are a continual threat to women, so their rights and freedoms must be gradually curtailed.

And the feminist utopia is a nightmare to children. At best, gender feminists see their offspring as an impediment to maternal self-fulfillment. At worst, children are viewed as a contraceptive-abortive failure.

In 1870 Queen Victoria of England wrote, “I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of 'Women's Rights,' with all its attendant horrors …Were women to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection.”

One hundred and twenty-five years later, we should give her prediction a second look.

Feminist Utopia, Social Nightmare - Carey Roberts -�

Feminist Utopia, Social Nightmare

January 19, 2005

by Carey Roberts

Every era has its utopian movements that hold out the promise of social perfectability. One such movement is feminism, which claims the path to social nirvana is the liberation of women and the creation of a genderless society.

One hundred years ago, feminism claimed that equal rights under the law was its goal. Once women won the right to vote in 1920, many predicted that having achieved its objective, the women’s movement would close up shop and fade away.

But feminism did not lapse into the dust-heap of history. It merely went underground.

For 40 years, the feminist cause was sustained and nurtured by the Communist Party of the USA. This was accomplished by establishment of the CPUSA Women’s Bureau in the 1920s, and later through the creation of a front organization, the Congress of American Women.

Recognizing its Communist origins, the US Department of Justice placed the CAW on its list of subversive organizations in 1948. (Go to the CPUSA’s web page at, and you will see how they have cleverly combined the Communist icons of the hammer and sickle to form a logo that closely resembles the radical feminist hand-mirror symbol.)

When the Civil Rights movement swept the nation in the 1960s, feminism came out of the woodwork. Although feminists still claimed to be working for gender equality, their actions would soon reveal a very different agenda.

Their true intentions became apparent in the feminist position on abortion. In their view, the decision to keep or dispose of an unborn child was the woman’s, and only the woman’s prerogative. No mention of gender equality there.

And the matter of who would gain custody of the kids in the event of divorce – would it be the mother, the father, or both? In the 1970s, the answer became clear, as chapter after chapter of the National Organization for Women came out in opposition to joint custody. This, in spite of the fact that this co-parenting arrangement affords equal rights to both parents – not to mention its benefits for the children.

Next the breast cancer crusade came along. Before long, the National Institutes of Health was spending three times more money on breast cancer research than prostate cancer. Where’s the equality in that?

Then came a series of laws that purported to protect women from predatory males: sexual harassment, domestic violence, and broadly-worded rape statutes. In theory they sounded good. But in practice, they violated men’s fundamental Constitutional protections of due process and equal protection under the law.

Affording equal opportunities to men and women is laudable. But in practice, feminism cares nothing about mere equality. Now, white women have become the most legally-protected and economically-privileged group in America.

At their core, all utopian movements seek to remold human nature. The Marxists demanded that the New Socialist Man place the interests of the state above the needs of the individual. And the feminist movement seeks to achieve a society in which the social and psychological differences between the sexes are eradicated.

But history reveals the populace inevitably begins to resist such extreme psychological make-overs. So the utopians soon look to the government for a solution. That entails placing ever-increasing power in the hands of petty bureaucrats.

When their policies begin to infringe upon individuals’ basic civil rights, the utopians inevitably explain that the ends justify the means. Thus the totalitarian state begins to emerge.

The feminist utopia is a social nightmare to women. Because feminism endeavors to remake women in the image of men. Feminism seeks to remove women’s choice to marry, bear children, and devote themselves to child-rearing.

The feminist utopia is a social nightmare to men. Because feminism wants to remake men in the image of women. In the feminist vision, men are a continual threat to women, so their rights and freedoms must be gradually curtailed.

And the feminist utopia is a nightmare to children. At best, gender feminists see their offspring as an impediment to maternal self-fulfillment. At worst, children are viewed as a contraceptive-abortive failure.

In 1870 Queen Victoria of England wrote, “I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of 'Women's Rights,' with all its attendant horrors …Were women to 'unsex' themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection.”

One hundred and twenty-five years later, we should give her prediction a second look.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Dowd�s Your Mommy - Bernard Chapin -�

Dowd�s Your Mommy - Bernard Chapin -�

Dowd’s Your Mommy

January 17, 2005

by Bernard Chapin

Since October, I’ve basically discontinued writing regular columns in the hopes of finishing my book. In such circumstances, the last thing I want to do is to waste any precious non-Gangsta time on Maureen Dowd. Yet, after my friend Robert sent me her latest column today I knew I had to address it.

She titled her ramble, “Men Just Want Mommy”, and it is essentially the wretched rationalization of one who fought on the losing side of a war. Maureen, like so many other mindless, ungrateful feminists, thought she could have it all. She could be famously successful at work and then find a man later. Instead, like the characters in the movie Casino, she had everything going for her but f-cked it all up. Now she is beaten and withered, and, rather than reflect on her own shortcomings, she blames men. Sound familiar? If the reader is too tired to scroll this, I suggest that you turn on an Oprah rerun as the gist will be the same.

The misconceptions begin quickly:

A few years ago at a White House Correspondents' dinner, I met a very beautiful actress. Within moments, she blurted out: "I can't believe I'm 46 and not married. Men only want to marry their personal assistants or P.R. women." I'd been noticing a trend along these lines, as famous and powerful men took up with the young women whose job it was to tend to them and care for them in some way: their secretaries, assistants, nannies, caterers, flight attendants, researchers and act-checkers.

Her initial observation is unquestionably correct as men prefer to marry young women, but then she misinterprets the reasons as to why. Perhaps as a means to placate herself for her own stupidity in supposing that she would be as attractive at 50 as at 20, she attributes male preference to our need to be cared for. Not only does this have nothing to do with our attraction to young women, it intentionally clouds the real reason for our preferences. Men are attracted to woman who can reproduce. It’s that simple. Dowd and her kind are many years past their viability. If reproduction is not possible there’s no reason to put up with a self-centered and pre-retirement princess. Males don’t pursue women to fulfill the fantasies of Hallmark Card artists. We pursue them due to biological imperative. The young ones can give us everything we dream of (and unfortunately, a lot of things we haven’t dreamed of) while those past their reproductive prime can only offer us their company. When faced with some of the inquisitor dispositions and personalities found in the average member of the over-the-hill gang, most men will wisely choose a beagle or a golden retriever instead. What’s the point of spending your days with a deposed and bitter queen?

The great intellectual heavyweight, Miss Dowd, then turns to a review popular film, the most authoritative works she knows, as a mechanism to batter male preference.

In James Brooks's "Spanglish," Adam Sandler, as a Los Angeles chef, falls for his hot Mexican maid. The maid, who cleans up after Mr. Sandler without being able to speak English, is presented as the ideal woman. The wife, played by Téa Leoni, is repellent: a jangly, yakking, overachieving, overexercised, unfaithful, shallow she- monster who has just lost her job with a commercial design firm. Picture Faye Dunaway in "Network" if she'd had to stay home, or Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" without the charm.

Well, of course these are movies and Hollywood has provided us with five gazillion examples of men being drunken, debaucherous, bastards over the years so I suppose we should be content that Spanglish brings a bit of realism to the ledger. Regardless, I’ve known men who did exactly what Sandler did by marrying women with simpler backgrounds than themselves and it makes perfect sense to me. Most men are similar to this commentator and lack the funds necessary to court a spoiled princess. A woman of high socio-economic status could well have needs that we cannot meet which indicates that the middle class fool who marries her will have to put up with criticisms about his failings for an eternity. Women who are content with what God has given them are the ones worthy of marriage. The ones who consider Tiffany boxes to be religious icons are the ones to be avoided. Of course, Dowd disagrees with such observations:

Art is imitating life, turning women who seek equality into selfish narcissists and objects of rejection, rather than affection. As John Schwartz of The New York Times wrote recently, "Men would rather marry their secretaries than their bosses, and evolution may be to blame." As Dr. Stephanie Brown, the lead author of the study, summed it up for reporters: "Powerful women are at a disadvantage in the marriage market because men may prefer to marry less-accomplished women." Men think that women with important jobs are more likely to cheat on them. "The hypothesis," Dr. Brown said, "is that there are evolutionary pressures on males to take steps to minimize the risk of raising offspring that are not their own." Women, by contrast, did not show a marked difference in their attraction to men who might work above or below them. And men did not show a preference when it came to one-night stands.

This is merely another example of the utopian despairing over the fact that they cannot change human nature. You can almost hearing hear their despair through your internet connection. Clearly, there are many things that can stated about her positions. First, woman already do not have equality with men. They have state sponsored superiority via to affirmative action. Second, her supposition is that all men have high powered jobs. Well, I personally, and neither every man I am friends with does not. I guess that Maureen does not consider the cabbies, vendors, policemen, and firemen that she sees everyday to be fully human. That is to be expected from a feminist elitist. Their benchmarks are the top one percent and the rest of us are unworthy of examination. Third, I agree that who she and The New York Times define as “powerful women” are at a disadvantage but it is due to their advanced age as opposed to vocational status. Economically successful men and women are, for the most part, getting up there in years as considerable time is required in order to get ahead. That’s why they are undesirable. It is not due to their occupations. Independently, I can fathom no reason why they would be more likely to cheat than women with a lower socioeconomic status. I would regard those with important jobs as having less time for strumpetry but that’s just my perspective. If some men are moved to avoid these females for this reason then I respect their choice. Four here, is the hilarious belief that women without highly paid jobs are not powerful. The average female college student has more power in one breast than women in their forties have in their entire bodies. They rule the world and can get any man (or nowadays: woman, transvestite, or androgynous walking tattoo and piercing exhibit) that they want. To pretend that a woman’s “power” is judged by their salary is absurd, but no one has ever confused politically correct views as being accurate–or sane for that matter. You’d have to have a pretty concrete mind not to notice that you’re average 22 year old waitress can get just about anything she wants out of anybody.

A man’s insecurities are then cited:

A second study, which was by researchers at four British universities and reported last week, suggested that smart men with demanding jobs would rather have old-fashioned wives, like their mums, than equals. The study found that a high I.Q. hampers a woman's chance to get married, while it is a plus for men. The prospect for marriage increased by 35 percent for guys for each 16-point increase in I.Q.; for women, there is a 40 percent drop for each 16-point rise. So was the feminist movement some sort of cruel hoax? The more women achieve, the less desirable they are? Women want to be in a relationship with guys they can seriously talk to - unfortunately, a lot of those guys want to be in relationships with women they don't have to talk to.

Allow me to pose a question so obvious it’s stunning that even NYT staff would not process it. Why on earth would anybody want to marry a woman who was not old-fashioned? Marriage is an old-fashioned arrangement. If a woman is non-traditional there is no reason to marry her. What do you get out of marrying a radical? When I pointed this out in a piece I wrote over the summer, a female reader called me selfish. I asked her why I wouldn’t be selfish regarding my own interests. She did not respond. If a woman brags that she does not want your name and has slept with a borough of men, then you should emulate those before you and forget her once the getting is done. To marry her is to commit yourself to a life of masochism and suffering.

I think that the confounding variable not analyzed regarding IQ is “how much more likely is a woman with a high IQ to have been indoctrinated by radical feminist complaint theology?” Radical feminist thought is available in its purest form at your local university and those women with the highest IQs are the ones most likely to have attended college. They were advised to ignore genetic commandments and wait until its too late to forge bonds with the opposite sex. These are the women who told Sylvia Hewitt a few years ago that the average age of fertility decline is 40 when it is in fact 27. At my last job, I knew of two women in their early thirties who were undergoing scandalously expensive fertility treatments because they could not get pregnant. Women should learn from their example and select a man while in their twenties when they rule the earth.

Maureen is neither mommy nor concubine. She is a bitter and jaded person who should not blame men for her self-absorption and faulty powers of perception. Had she actually listened to the men she knew or divorced herself from feminista dogma, she could have led a fulfilled life.

Bernard Chapin News - International - CIA gives grim warning on European prospects

CIA gives grim warning on European prospects


THE CIA has predicted that the European Union will break-up within 15 years unless it radically reforms its ailing welfare systems.

The report by the intelligence agency, which forecasts how the world will look in 2020, warns that Europe could be dragged into economic decline by its ageing population. It also predicts the end of Nato and post-1945 military alliances.

In a devastating indictment of EU economic prospects, the report warns: "The current EU welfare state is unsustainable and the lack of any economic revitalisation could lead to the splintering or, at worst, disintegration of the EU, undermining its ambitions to play a heavyweight international role."

It adds that the EU’s economic growth rate is dragged down by Germany and its restrictive labour laws. Reforms there - and in France and Italy to lesser extents - remain key to whether the EU as a whole can break out of its "slow-growth pattern".

Reflecting growing fears in the US that the pain of any proper reform would be too much to bear, the report adds that the experts it consulted "are dubious that the present political leadership is prepared to make even this partial break, believing a looming budgetary crisis in the next five years would be the more likely trigger for reform".

The EU is also set for a looming demographic crisis because of a drop in birth rates and increased longevity, with devastating economic consequences.

The report says: "Either European countries adapt their workforces, reform their social welfare, education and tax systems, and accommodate growing immigrant populations [chiefly from Muslim countries] or they face a period of protracted economic stasis."

As a result of the increased immigration needed, the report predicts that Europe’s Muslim population is set to increase from around 13% today to between 22% and 37% of the population by 2025, potentially triggering tensions.

The report predicts that America’s relationships with Europe will be "dramatically altered" over the next 15 years, in a move away from post-Second World War institutions. Nato could disappear and be replaced by increased EU action.

"The EU, rather than Nato, will increasingly become the primary institution for Europe, and the role Europeans shape for themselves on the world stage is most likely to be projected through it," the report adds. "Whether the EU will develop an army is an open question."

Defence spending by individual European countries, including the UK, France, and Germany, is likely to fall further behind China and other countries over the next 15 years. Collectively these countries will outspend all others except the US and possibly China.

The expected next technological revolution will involve the convergence of nano, bio, information and materials technology and will further bolster China and India’s prospects, the study predicts. Both countries are investing in basic research in these fields and are well placed to be leaders. But whereas the US will retain its overall lead, the report warns "Europe risks slipping behind Asia in some of these technologies".

For Europe, an increasing preference for natural gas may reinforce regional relationships, such as those with Russia or North Africa, given the inter-dependence of pipeline delivery, the report argues. But this means the EU will have to deal with Russia, which the report also warns "faces a severe demographic crisis resulting from low birth rates, poor medical care and a potentially explosive Aids situation".

Russia also borders an "unstable region" in the Caucasus and Central Asia, "the effects of which - Muslim extremism, terrorism and endemic conflict - are likely to continue spilling over into Russia".

The report also largely en dorses forecasts that by 2020 China’s gross domestic product will exceed that of individual western economic powers except for the US. India’s GDP will have overtaken or be overtaking European economies.

Because of the sheer size of China’s and India’s populations their standard of living need not approach European and western levels to become important economic powers.

The economies of other developing countries, such as Brazil, could surpass all but the largest European countries by 2020.

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Depuis des décennies, les Guerrières du genre sexuel sont sur la piste deguerre contre « l’écart salarial. » Elles ont un argument simple: enmoyenne, les femmes gagnent 76 cents pour chaque dollar gagné par untravailleur mâle. Cette différence est preuve de discrimination sexuelle. Il est temps de mettre fin à ce mythe mensonger du féminisme. … les hommes qui travaillent à temps plein travaillent en moyenne 45 heurespar semaine, alors que les femmes ne travaillent que 42 heures. Les hommessont plus de deux fois plus susceptibles que les femmes de travailler plusde 50 heures par semaine – c’est pour cela que la plupart des … sont deshommes.les hommes tendent à graviter vers les emplois socialement peu gratifiantsmais lucratifs tel que la programmation d'ordinateur, la loi sur lesimpôts, et l’ingénierie. Les femmes tendent à choisir des professionstelles que l’enseignement, le nursing, le travail social qui payent moins,mais offrent plus de flexibilité de travailla désirabilité du travail …calibré 250 travaux sur la base du revenu, del’environnement de travail, des exigences physiques, du stress, ainsi desuite. Les cinq pires emplois étaient marins, travailleur de l’acier,cow-boy, pêcheur, et bûcheron. Êtes-vous surpris d’apprendre que ces travaux sont tous « dominés » par leshommes? … la différence dans les risques au travail. Les hommes sont 92% de tousles décès professionnels. Pourquoi? Si vous regardez une liste des métiersles plus dangereux - lutte contre l'incendie, conduite de camion,construction, et mines - ils sont à 96-98% composé de mâles …Aux USA, en moyenne les hommes travaillent 13,5% de plus que les femmes …Au Canada …les hommes travaillent donc 42,2% de PLUS que les femmes …Au Québec … les hommes travaillent donc 5,6% de plus que les femmes Les fémi-sexistes elles-mêmes savent que les femmes travaillent MOINS queles hommes : ergo cela est donc PLUS positif.Les femmes médecins BOUDENT l'urgence … les avocates DÉLAISSENT leursclients pour avoir des enfants … les pharmaciennes travaillent MOINSd'heures … MOINS d'heures au boulot … cinq heures de MOINS par semaine …quatre heures de MOINS … deux heures de MOINS … « SE TUER AU TRAVAIL, C’ESTFINI » … l'emploi à temps partiel touche (i.e. les femmes s’y concentrent)le QUART des travailleuses …Souvenez vous de tout cela la prochaine fois que les fémi-sexistes (de tousgenres sexués) se mettront (encore une fois) à BRAILLER que les femmesgagnent MOINS que les hommes________________________________________Salaire inégal pour travail égal?Le prétendu « écart salarial » entre les hommes et les femmes est un desmeilleurs exemples de manipulation féministe.Depuis des décennies, les Guerrières du genre sexuel sont sur la piste deguerre contre « l’écart salarial. » Elles ont un argument simple: enmoyenne, les femmes gagnent 76 cents pour chaque dollar gagné par untravailleur mâle. Cette différence est preuve de discrimination sexuelle. Il est temps de mettre fin à ce mythe mensonger du féminisme. C’est exactement ce que fait le dernier livre de Warren Farrell. « Why MenEarn More; The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap—and What Women Can DoAbout It <" target=_blank>>; » est remplide statistiques gouvernementales et de données scientifiques sur lessalaires. Celles-ci démontrent que « l’écart de salaire » féministe est unegigantesque escroquerie idéologique.Je me sens un peu bête d’avoir à dire quelque chose de si évident, mais jesuppose que quelqu’un doit le dire : les patterns de travail des hommes etdes femmes sont différents. En premier lieu : la quantité de travail. Selon le « Bureau of LaborStatistics <" target=_blank>>; » (Bureau des statistiques du travail)les hommes qui travaillent à temps plein travaillent en moyenne 45 heurespar semaine, alors que les femmes ne travaillent que 42 heures.() Leshommes sont plus de deux fois plus susceptibles que les femmes detravailler plus de 50 heures par semaine – c’est pour cela que la plupartdes CEOs (Chief Executive Officer; Président directeur général) sont deshommes.Il n’y a que dans les économies dominées par l’idéologie socialiste que lesemployés reçoivent le même salaire indépendamment du nombre d’heures detravail.Deuxièmement, les hommes tendent à graviter vers les emplois socialementpeu gratifiants mais lucratifs tel que la programmation d'ordinateur, laloi sur les impôts, et l’ingénierie. Les femmes tendent à choisir desprofessions telles que l’enseignement, le nursing, le travail social quipayent moins, mais offrent plus de flexibilité de travail. Troisièmement, la désirabilité du travail. Récemment le « Jobs RatedAlmanac<> » (l’Almanac des travaux calibrés) a calibré 250 travaux surla base du revenu, de l’environnement de travail, des exigences physiques,du stress, ainsi de suite. Les cinq pires emplois étaient marins,travailleur de l’acier, cow-boy, pêcheur, et bûcheron. Voir aussi<" target=_blank>>; Êtes-vous surpris d’apprendre que ces travaux sont tous « dominés » par leshommes? La seule façon pour des entreprises de recruter des hommes pourfaire ce genre de travail dur, sale et dangereux (parfois mortellement) estde leur offrir un meilleur salaire.Finalement, il y a la différence dans les risques au travail. Les hommessont 92% de tous les décès professionnels. Pourquoi? Si vous regardez uneliste des métiers les plus dangereux - lutte contre l'incendie, conduitede camion, construction, et mines - ils sont à 96-98% composé de mâles,selon le Bureau of Labor Statistics. Les hommes qui risquentquotidiennement leurs vies ne devraient-ils pas recevoir un salairesupplémentaire? Warren Farrell s’attaque ensuite à la malhonnêteté des média dans leursarticles sur « l’écart salarial. » Un titre particulièrement stridentclamait : « une étude sur les directeurs de nouvelles télévisées démontrela discrimination envers les femmes. » Il est vrai que les directeuresféminines de nouvelles télévisées gagnent 27% de moins que les directeursmasculins.Mais jetons-y un autre coup d'œil; il s'avère que les directeurs masculinsont en moyenne 14,8 ans années d'expériences professionnelles dans lesnouvelles, alors que les directeures féminines n’en ont que 5,6 années. End'autres termes, les hommes ont eu presque trois fois plus d'expérienceprofessionnelle que les femmes. Cependant, il ne gagnent que environ unquart de plus que les femmes. (GPL : Les femmes ont 37,8% de l’expérience des hommes mais gagnent 75% deleur salaire. Une discrimination « positive » : les femmes sont payées à198% de leur niveau d’expertise. « Cé tsu assez beau le féminisme! »)Cette étude sur les directeurs de télé soulève quelques questionssupplémentaires. D'abord, pourquoi les directeures féminines ont-elles enmoyenne 9,2 années d'expérience professionnelle de moins que leurscompétiteurs masculines? De plus, y a-t-il des candidats masculins plusqualifiés que des femmes qui sont discriminés à cause de leur sexe?(GPL : inversement, si les directeurs étaient payés autant que les femme,selon le niveau d’expérience, leur salaire seraient 98% plus élevés. « Cétsu assez beau le « partage » socialiste des richesses, qui vous l’aurezconstaté va toujours dans le même sens : des hommes vers les femmes)Il s'avère qu’il n’y a pas que dans les postes de directions à la téléqu’il se passe quelque chose de louche. « Why Men Earn More »offre de l’information sur les salaires pour ceux quiviennent de sortir de l’université, selon leur spécialisationuniversitaire. Dans le tableau 5 nous apprenons que les femmes qui sontspécialisées dans la programmation d'ordinateur, la physique, le génieagricole, ou l'analyse de systèmes informatiques bénéficient de salairessubstantiellement plus élevés que eux des hommes. Par « substantiel » jeveux dire que les hommes dans ces domaines reçoivent de $4,000 à $7,000 demoins, dès leur première année de travail. C'est beaucoup d'argent depoche.Au tableau 6, nous apprenons qu’il y a 10 métiers où les femmes ayant desbaccalauréat reçoivent des salaires initiaux d’au moins 10% plus élevés queles hommes: investissement bancaire, gestion de portefeuilled’investissement, planification urbaine, analyse financière, distribution,politique financière, lever de fonds, professions religieuses, productionde communications et diététique.Exemple, si vous êtes une diététicienne féminine, votre premier salaireannuel est de $23,160. Mais vos compétiteurs mâles ne recevront que $17,680– un manque à gagner de 30%.Ce genre d’information arrive comme une bombe idéologique. Je prédit que lorsque le mot sur ces disparités va se répandre lescompagnies américaines auront à faire face à un tsunami de plaintes, deréclamations, et de procès intentés pour discrimination (sexiste) sur lesalaire. Pourquoi? Mais, parce que les hommes ont droit à « UN SALAIRE ÉGAL, POUR UN TRAVAILÉGAL ».Le 12 janvier 2005 par Carey Roberts traduit parGérard Pierre Levesque__________________________NOTES1 – Aux USA, en moyenne les hommes travaillent 8,01 heurs par jour; lesfemmes 7,06. Soit (8,01 – 7,06) une différence de 0.95 heures par jour; leshommes travaillent 13,5% de plus que les femmes À TOUS LES JOURS. À toutes les semaines : 0,95 X 5 : 4,75 heures. À tous les mois : 4,75 X4,3= 34,7 heures. À toutes les années : 34,7 X 11 = 381,4 heures. Sur touteune vie : 381,4 X 40 années : 15, 256 heures. Voir: Table 5. Average hours worked per day by employed persons atworkplace or home by selected characteristics, 2003 annual averages<" target=_blank>>; En passant, les Américains (hommes et femmes) travaillent 1,455 heures parannée alors que les Canadiens ne travaillent que 1,322 heures. LesAméricains travaillent 9,24% de plus que les Canadiens; et certains sedemandent pour quoi le « green back » est si fort.Voir Les heures de travail au Canada et aux États-unis<" target=_blank>>; de StatistiquesCanada2 - Au Canada (2000) les hommes travaillent 1,565 heures par année alorsque les femmes ne travaillent que 1,101 heures : les hommes travaillentdonc 42,2% de PLUS que les femmes à toutes les années. Voir Les heures de travail au Canada et aux États-unis<" target=_blank>>; de StatistiquesCanada. 3 - Au Québec, les hommes travaillent 242,3 jours par année, alors que lesfemmes n’en travaillent que 229,4. Les hommes travaillent donc 5,6% de plusque les femmes À TOUS LES JOURS. Les hommes travaillent 6,2 journées en travail supplémentaire (rémunéré);les femmes 2,9 : les hommes travaillent font donc 113,8% de plus de travailsupplémentaire que les femmes. Voir Étude de la Durée du travail réelle<> (p 51) de l’Institut de la statistique Québec. Et ensuite, les féministes ricanent que si les hommes meurent plus jeunesc’est parce qu'ils le … veulent. (Why men die younger? Because they want to<" target=_blank>>; ) (:’-()4 – En passant, les Québécois travaillent 7,2 heures par jour, alors queles Canadiens travaillent 7,7 heures et les Ontariens 8,1 heures. LesCanadiens travaillent donc 6,9% de plus que les Québécois et les Ontariens12,5% de plus. Voir Note technique Temps productif : parité entre les hommes et les femmesau Québec<> , de l’Institut de la statistique QuébecPourquoi s’étonner que le Québec traîne derrière l’Ontario, ainsi quel’Alberta et la Colombie britannique? Moins on travaille, moins on a denouvelles ressources pour investir dans de nouveaux emplois, plus on a dechômage : économique 101.5 - Finalement, les fémi-sexistes elles-mêmes savent que les femmestravaillent MOINS que les hommes : ergo cela est donc PLUS positif. Suivez LA guide :Selon le Conseil du statut de la féministe<" target=_blank>>; :« Les femmes médecins BOUDENT l'urgence. Les avocates DÉLAISSENT leursclients pour avoir des enfants. Les pharmaciennes travaillent MOINSd'heures que leurs confrères... L'arrivée massive des femmes dans plusieursprofessions traditionnellement masculines MENACE-t-elle l'équilibre denotre marché du travail ? … Vrai, les professionnelles – de la médecine, de la pharmacie, du droit, dunotariat, de l'architecture – consacrent MOINS d'heures au boulot que leurscollègues masculins. … Les omnipraticiennes travaillent cinq heures deMOINS par semaine que leurs confrères. Les pharmaciennes, quatre heures deMOINS. Les médecins spécialistes, deux heures de MOINS. Vrai aussi, les femmes ont tendance à se concentrer dans certainesdisciplines. En médecine, on trouve 8 filles pour 49 garçons en chirurgieorthopédique, 10 pour 21 en neurochirurgie, et 3 pour 14 en chirurgiecardiaque. Plus du quart des avocates se spécialisent en DROIT FAMILIAL,alors que seulement une sur dix choisit le droit commercial. ……dans plusieurs entreprises, le désir de fonder une famille est encoreperçu comme un problème… pour lequel les travailleuses doivent payer. «Normal : CETTE FEMME [en congé de maternité] S’ENRICHIT D’UN ENFANT, PASSES ASSOCIÉS … »Mais les efforts que déploient les femmes pour équilibrer leur viepersonnelle et professionnelle deviennent le combat de toute unegénération. À Joliette, sept chirurgiens (dont quatre hommes) ont formé unpool qui partage les tours de garde, paye un congé d'un mois lors d'unematernité ou en cas de maladie, et redistribue les honoraires en partségales. « SE TUER AU TRAVAIL, C’EST FINI. Les gars de notre génération onteux aussi envie de vivre et de voir grandir leurs enfants », dit lachirurgienne Élise Martel. Dans un autre article, « DES HOMMES SUR VÉNUS », trois gars racontent leurcarrière dans des secteurs non traditionnels. … des spécialistes du marché du travail évaluent la présence féminine àl'université et dans les emplois hautement qualifiés. Le nombre de fillescontinue d'augmenter à l'université, même en sciences appliquées, où lesinscriptions féminines ont presque doublé entre 1986 et 2002. LEUR SUCCÈS SCOLAIRE NE SE RÉFLÈTE PAS DIRECTEMENT SUR LEUR CARRIÈRE, …L'emploi à temps partiel touche le QUART des travailleuses, contreseulement UN travailleur sur DIX. En un sens, c'est une bonne nouvelle … «Nous faisons face à une PÉNURIE ANTICIPÉE de main-d'œuvre. Hausser le tauxd'activité des femmes sous-employées pourrait nous aider à résoudre ceproblème. » 6 - Les femmes médecins BOUDENT l'urgence … les avocates DÉLAISSENT leursclients pour avoir des enfants … les pharmaciennes travaillent MOINSd'heures … MOINS d'heures au boulot … cinq heures de MOINS par semaine …quatre heures de MOINS … deux heures de MOINS … « SE TUER AU TRAVAIL, C’ESTFINI » … l'emploi à temps partiel touche (i.e. les femmes s’y concentrent)le QUART des travailleuses …Souvenez vous de tout cela la prochaine fois que les fémi-sexistes (de tousgenres sexués) se mettront (encore une fois) à BRAILLER que les femmesgagnent MOINS que les hommes.Et ces Einsteines du progressivisme québécois s’étonnent que « Nous faisonsface à une PÉNURIE ANTICIPÉE de main-d'œuvre.C’est ÇA la façon de comprendre des FEMMES (woman’s way of knowing).Il faut vraiment être un « HOMME SUR VÉNUS » pour ne pas mourir de ridiculeà s’associer avec une telle logique (sic) féministe.Hommes sur Vénus : gars « corrects », hommes « progressistes », mâles pourle matriarcat, émasculés pro-féministes, « moumounes roses » …________________________Gérard Pierre LEVESQUE

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Sex, Lies & Feminism by Peter Zohrab

Sex, Lies & Feminism by Peter Zohrab

Sex, Lies & Feminism by Peter Zohrab: Appendix: Women's This, Women's That, and Women's The Other Thing: Historical Manifestations of Feminism


This chapter gives a brief survey of some historical forms of Feminism. It is not intended primarily as an attack on Feminism, because that has been the function of the rest of this book. Rather, it is to give an historical account of the Feminist ideology and political movement, which has also been known as the Women's Liberation Movement, or the Women's Movement. The difference between these terms is that the word "Feminism" is sometimes used to refer purely to a theory or ideology, whereas the terms "Women's Movement" and "Women's Liberation Movement" also refer to political activities.

Individualist/Liberal Feminism
Individualist Feminism received its first substantial formulation in Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). This was in the tradition of 18th century Individualist social and political theory, deriving ultimately from John Locke's Second Treatise of Government (1689), according to which the supreme law was to be the welfare of the people. It was a fairly small step from that stated principle to looking at various categories of people – such as women – and asking what the "system" was doing to or for them. From our vantage-point, we might question the bias of the people who decided what categories of people to investigate, but that is another issue.

Wollstonecraft noted that when people referred to "people" or "humans," they almost always meant men. Women were viewed principally in relation to men; i.e., as sexual partners and rearers of men's children, and so on. She asserted women must be looked on primarily as people in their own right, and only secondarily as the housekeepers and wives, etc. of men.

An important contention in her book is that men used education to train girls to play the dependent "womanly" roles men have mapped out for them. This, indeed, is a recurrent theme throughout the Feminist literature. Wollstonecraft demands equality of civil rights between men and women. She does not say much about political rights for women, though there are indications she intended to write something on that topic, too.

John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women was an important 19th Century Feminist work, written under the influence of his late wife, Harriet Taylor. Mill's proposals are similar to those of Wollstonecraft. But he goes further, saying that women should have the vote. As far as employment is concerned, he too says women should be free to enter the occupation of their choice (including marriage and child-rearing, if that is their preferred option).

Fundamental to Mill's philosophy, Utilitarianism, is the idea of optimizing the greatest good for the greatest number of people; that is, ethical priority was accorded to the greatest good of the greatest number of people. According to most authorities on Mill's works, the notion of "equality," which is so basic to Feminist writings in general, did not seem to obviously follow from Utilitarian principles. It is not logically necessary that "equality" between different groups or individuals in Society would inevitably be a means of producing the greatest good to the greatest number of people.

It might be argued, for example, that some people are better at producing wealth than others. Therefore, if you want to maximise the wealth in a given Society, you have to accord special rights and privileges to such people in order to attain your overall goal of maximising the material well-being of the population as a whole. Mill had to add the principle of equality on almost as an afterthought before he could construct his Feminist argument.

Nevertheless, he does try to demonstrate how everybody would benefit from granting women legal equality with men by arguing that the liberation of women will result in a net gain in the quantity of happiness for mankind. This is because, according to Locke's previous work, the "servitude" of women in marriage makes many of them miserable. He also says that mankind (by which he meant, in present day Feminist parlance, "humankind") will benefit if woman's full potential is freed, educated, and employed to the benefit of all. And marriages would be happier if men and women were equally well educated. He believed happiness in marriage depended on the partners being as similar and unified as possible.

In the course of the nineteenth century, Feminists obtained greater educational opportunities in schools and universities and the admission of women to the professions. Laws relating to divorce, the property rights of married women, and control of children in marriage were also modified in a direction that favoured women. Moreover, by the early 20th Century, at the latest, women gained the franchise in most western countries. The first breakthrough for the Feminists came in 1869, when women got the vote in the American State of Wyoming, and the first sovereign state to grant women the vote was New Zealand – in 1893. However, in no country did men force women to become liable to be drafted into the front line, in return for getting the vote. This shows how little thinking was done about equality of rights and responsibilities.

After the franchise for women had been achieved in many countries, the Second World War intervened. This possibly caused a hiatus in the Feminists' political struggles, perhaps because they did not want to be forced to serve as front-line soldiers. Such an obligation might reasonably be expected of them had they continued agitating during the war. And when the war was over, people needed time to forget the men who had lost their lives and/or limbs in the War.

But sure enough, after a decent interval, a peacetime mentality soon evolved in western societies to which the hypocrisy of some of the Feminist demands for "equality" did not seem so glaringly obvious. This was no conspiracy – the process is a natural one, as most people prefer to treat war as a bad dream they want to wake up from as soon as possible! And from a Lesbian Feminist perspective, men are always expendable.

This postwar period marked Feminism's true Second Wave, a time when it seemed natural to focus more and more on the way women's role in the family prevented them from having careers to the extent men did. This attitude implied that the roles of wife and mother were somehow inferior to that of income-earner in a workplace (or wage-slave in the rat-race, as others might phrase it).
One book pushing this line within the Individualist Feminist tradition was Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963), which followed relatively closely on the heels of Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex (1953) (see below). Friedan's aim was for society and women's lives to be organised to maximise the ability of women to have a career as well as a family. She thought that American middle-class, suburban, white, heterosexual housewives were bound to feel unfulfilled and bored, unless they had a full-time job outside the home:

“Science should not relieve housewives of too much drudgery; it must concentrate instead on creating the illusion of that sense of achievement that housewives seem to need.” (The Feminine Mystique, 4th Dell Printing, June 1964, p 172)

This would, of course, not be such a problem in countries and social classes where labour-saving devices were unaffordable. But what is most interesting here is how Friedan seems to take it for granted any sense of achievement felt by housewives would be necessarily an "illusion". This is a very subjective view. Obviously, Friedan obviously does not feel that a sense of achievement in a career outside the home would be illusory – either for men or women. Nor does she believe a woman can be both feminine and fully human:

“(B)y choosing femininity over the painful growth to full identity, by never achieving the hard core of self that comes not from fantasy but from mastering reality, these girls are doomed to suffer ultimately that bored, diffuse feeling of purposelessness, nonexistence, noninvolvement with the world that can be called anomie, or lack of identity, or merely felt as the problem that has no name.” (The Feminine Mystique, 4th Dell Printing, June 1964, p 172)

This is the same gender-role confusion which has affected many Feminists; somehow, they manage to equate femininity with a lack of a identity. What this really demonstrates is the frustration that bisexual middle-class Feminist writers felt with the need to conform to "feminine" role-models, and why they wanted to convert more women to their more masculine personalities. They wanted to take power away from the feminine and attractive women, whose personas were centred around cooperating with men, and create a cohort of women whose personas would centre around competing with men. Overtly Lesbian Feminists are merely at the extreme end of this covertly Lesbian movement. From this perspective, Friedan's famous "problem that has no name" is actually the "problem" of heterosexuality – it couldn't be given a name because its true name would repel converts. Despite this, some found her less radical than her predecessors:

Betty Friedan's 1963 book, The Feminine Mystique, was in some ways less 'radical' than Wollstonecraft's, Taylor's or Mill's. Despite Friedan's implicit understanding of woman as a powerless sex class, she often wrote as if individual women can, through sheer effort, advance to the ranks of the powerful sex class known as 'man'. Her tendency, at least in The Feminine Mystique, was to forget that this is easier said than done, so long as men are generally in charge of hiring and promoting. (Tong 1989, 22)

Tong believes Friedan's emphasis on individual "self-improvement" constitutes a diversion from radical activity aimed at changing society through political means, and criticises Friedan for not being analytical enough to look for barriers to women achieving careers outside the home. Many years later, however, Friedan remedied this omission to some extent with a second book, The Second Stage:

“In the first stage, our aim was full participation (of the woman's movement), ... But we were diverted from our dream. And in our reaction against the feminine mystique, which defined women solely in terms of their relation to men as wives, mothers and homemakers, we sometimes seemed to fall into a feminist mystique which denied that core of women's personhood that is fulfilled through love, nurture, home.” (Friedan, op. cit., 27)

So the main emphasis in Liberal/Individualist Feminism was on removing barriers that prevent women from competing with men on an equal footing in paid employment. And this remains its main emphasis, although many of these barriers no longer exist. Ironically, a strict interpretation of the Liberal/Individualist Feminists paradigm does not sit well with the dominant Feminist thinking today: If women still don't achieve as well in public life as men do, responsibility rests solely with the individual (a Liberal Feminist would say). You can't just look at any inequality between men's and women's achievement in the workplace and deduce from it that there must still be some sexist barriers to women's achievement.

This issue is relevant to such questions as what happens to women when they return to the workforce after a break of several years, during which they have been busy raising their children. Some Feminists argue such women should reenter the workforce at the same level of pay and seniority as enjoyed by their (male and female) colleagues who had a continuous career throughout the period in question. I consider this Feminist position unjust for three reasons:

First, the employer grants seniority (in theory, anyway) not on the basis of age, but experience and skills gained. A person who has been absent from the workplace has presumably not acquired the same level of experience and skill. Feminists respond that being a mother provides much relevant experience and skill – but this is a brain-dead argument. It depends on what occupations are involved.
Obviously, being a mother is somewhat relevant to a career as an au pair, nanny, cook, nurse, or childcare worker. However, it is irrelevant to a career as an office-worker, laboratory technician, police officer or miner! An analysis of the relevant job description can be conducted by any halfway intelligent person, then compared with that of a housewife/mother. Anyone who buys the blanket Feminist argument that being a mother is equally relevant to any occupation should not be allowed to handle sharp implements, operate a motor vehicle or occupy any position requiring more than rudimentary reasoning ability. Their argument reeks of intellectual incompetence.

Second, what about people who are absent from a certain workplace for other reasons? It would be absurd and unjust to grant them the same seniority and pay as their colleagues who had stayed in the same workplace – yet it would be equally absurd and unjust to deny them this while granting it to returning mothers.

Finally, women who have children (usually) do this voluntarily, and bringing up children is a very rewarding occupation in its own right. It is not as if anyone was forcing them to do it. Those Feminists who believe all men are involved in a pervasive patriarchal conspiracy to subjugate all women are paranoid.

Certainly, some men derive satisfaction from being the breadwinner and being waited on hand-and-foot by women, and some men and women actively promote this vision of Society. But that is a quid pro quo arrangement – the man has burdens he must carry in wartime and other emergencies. It is also true that men are usually not the ones who have to choose between children and careers; on the other hand, men are also denied some of the joys of motherhood, so it is only equitable that women should be unable to have their cake and eat it too – especially as the mothers are more likely to be granted custody of the children after separation or divorce.

The time came when Individualist Feminism achieved most of its goals in western countries. A cynic might add that Feminism was therefore in need of new demands to make. Certainly, once a political movement has achieved certain political gains, those gains become part of the status quo and the political movement involved is at liberty to examine the new status quo to see if it is completely satisfied with it, or whether it thinks further "improvements" could or should be made.

Generally, when activists achieve their political goals they tend to rest on their laurels to some extent, and there is often a hiatus until succeeding generations grow up taking these achievements for granted and consider mounting new campaigns. However, the recent institutionalisation and financing of perpetual Feminism through Women's Studies departments, Ministries of Women's Affairs and state-funded and privately sponsored women's organisations are countering this tendency.

Socialist/Marxist Feminism
Socialist and Marxist Feminism are very similar to each other as Tong explains:

“Whereas socialist feminists believe that gender and class play an approximately equal role in any explanation of women's oppression, Marxist feminists believe that class ultimately better accounts for women's status and function(s). Under capitalism, they say, bourgeois women will not experience the same kind of oppression that proletarian women will. What is distinctive about Marxist feminism, then, is that it invites every woman, whether proletarian or bourgeois, to understand women's oppression not so much as the result of the intentional actions of individuals but as the product of the political, social, and economic structures associated with capitalism.” (Tong 1989,39)

It was Socialist Feminism, together with Radical Feminism (see below), which made up the vanguard of Feminism's Second Wave. Socialism (including Marxist Socialism/Communism) has been a very diverse movement. Yet, with few exceptions (such as the French writer Proudhon), Socialists favoured Feminism from the outset. There were possibly two reasons for this: First, Socialism arose at a historically later stage than Individualism, when Feminism was already an up-and-coming ideology; second, Socialism was generally antagonistic to the institution of the family. This was attractive to those Feminists who wanted to disconnect women from their role in the family.

In most forms of Socialism, there was to be no private property for the family to own and pass on to later generations. So there would be no need to rear children privately or tie women to the home.

One of the most important works in the Socialist Feminist tradition was Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex. Influenced by Jean-Paul Sartre, she was an Existentialist as well as a Marxist. Juliet Mitchell's Woman's Estate (1971) was another influential Marxist Feminist work. She agreed with the efforts of the Radical Feminists (see below) to encourage women to analyse their own situation, but she thought the results of this process of analysis would need Marxist theory superimposed on it for it to make any sort of sense.

One of the main issues concerning Marxist Feminists is household work. They maintain that even when women have full-time jobs their household workload remains both undiminished and undervalued: if women weren't doing it for free, someone would have to be paid to do the shopping, cook, clean the house, and look after the children, etc. But capitalist societies, they contend, view women as mere consumers (using the money their male partners earn as producers).

Some Marxist Feminists believe women are oppressed because they see women as basically parasitical, the work of a housewife as easy, and of little value. They have therefore argued for the socialisation and collectivisation of women's household work. What they want is for people to live communally, so child-rearing, cooking and housework are carried out on a large scale by paid workers. This work will then acquire a monetary value and its worth will be thereby officially acknowledged – even if it is still mostly women who do it.

Other Marxist Feminists argue that a woman's household work in an individual household should attract a wage. This wage should be paid by the government. According to Tong (1989), however, there is another Marxist Feminist point of view which has it that paying women to do housework has three disadvantages:

1.It would make it more likely that women would be isolated in their own homes. Their work would become increasingly trivialised, as more and more labour-saving devices became available to them. They would become more and more prey to suburban neurosis.
2.The relationship of the woman to the rest of her family would be put onto a commercial footing, when many Marxists would like to get away from what they see as Capitalism's tendency to commodify everything.
3.It would entrench the traditional sexual division of labour – making it more likely that men would keep on working outside the home, and women inside the home.

Existentialist Feminism
As stated above, de Beauvoir was both an Existentialist and a Marxist. This leads authors such as Tong (1989) to classify her as primarily an Existentialist Feminist, rather than as a Marxist Feminist.
To fully understand Existentialist Feminism, one would have to understand Existentialism, and it would be outside the scope of this book to digress into the details of Existential theory. However, the essential characteristic of Existentialist Feminism is that it takes the positive, active categories of Existentialism and applies them to men, and takes the negative, passive categories and applies them to women – thus making women out to be disadvantaged and oppressed.

“Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex, probably the key theoretical text of twentieth-century Feminism, offered an existentialist explanation of woman's situation. De Beauvoir argued that woman is oppressed by virtue of otherness. Woman is the Other because she is not-man. Man is the self, the free, determining being who defines the meaning of his existence, and woman is the Other, the object whose meaning is determined for her. If woman is to become a self, a subject, she must, like man, transcend the definitions, labels, and essences limiting her existence. She must make herself be whatever she wants to be.” (Tong, op. cit., 6).

Cultural Feminism
Margaret Fuller's Woman in the Nineteenth Century (1845) was the first significant Cultural Feminist work. Cultural Feminism sets out to persuade us that men and women are not only different from each other, but that women's values are superior to men's and women's values should supplant men's values. In other words, this is Female Supremacism.

What about women who behave badly? Most Feminists insist such are the result of socialisation, education and upbringing in a patriarchal society. By the same logic, however, the supposedly "positive" aspects of "women's values" must also derive from the same source. This means both the positive and negative aspects of women's values and behaviour might vanish as a result of the social engineering proposed by the Cultural Feminists!

Where 19th century Liberal Feminists concentrated on political and legal issues, Cultural Feminists examined institutions such as religion, marriage, and the home. They looked beyond the possibility of political and legal equality between women and men to the changes in society they believed could or should result from such equality. The idea, simply, was that men had been making a mess of things and women would do a better job of running, or helping to run the world.

Some Cultural Feminists believe in the myth of a primordial matriarchy, when pacifism, cooperation, nonviolent settlement of differences, and a harmonious regulation of public life were the order of the day -- in contrast to the destruction, tyranny, and war which are supposed to have characterised patriarchy. By using the word myth, I don't mean this belief is necessarily incorrect – just that it is an unproved tale about historical events which is central to a particular explanation of Society.
Unable to find any "Matriarchies" in the present day, many Feminists resort to inventing an idyllic Lost Matriarchal Paradise in the dim mists of prehistory. Even though there is no acceptable scholarly evidence for this, it has become an accepted fact in 'Women's Studies'. (

Social Darwinism (Spencer, 1851) was an important influence on Cultural Feminism. This theory applied the quasi-Darwinian notion of the "survival of the fittest" to human societies, races and individual people. It implied that any successful society achieved its success by virtue of characteristics that made it "fitter" than rival societies. Societies could be "fitter" in various ways, including:

1. birthrate;
2. infant mortality rate;
3. longevity;
4. food production;
5. total population;
6. total land area;
7. success in warfare, etc.

Social Darwinism placed high value on male aggression and competitiveness. Some Social Darwinists even favoured murderous competition and war as appropriate selective mechanisms. However, another, less-publicised school of Social Darwinist thought, such as Charlotte Gilman's Women and Economics (1898), foresaw a different trend. They believed Humanity was evolving toward a more collective organisation, requiring more cooperation and less competition, more altruism and less egoism.

Psychoanalytic Feminism
The core thinking of Psychoanalytic Feminism goes something like this:

“Psychoanalytic Feminists find the root of women's oppression embedded deep in her (sic) psyche.... the Oedipus complex, the process by which the boy gives up his first love object, mother, in order to escape castration at the hands of father. As a result of submitting his id (or desires) to the superego (collective social conscience), the boy is fully integrated into culture. Together with his father he will rule over nature and woman, both of whom contain a similar irrational power. In contrast to the boy, the girl, who has no penis to lose, separates slowly from her first love object, mother. As a result, the girl's integration into culture is incomplete. She exists at the periphery or margin of culture as the one who does not rule but is ruled, largely because ... she fears her own power.” (Tong 1989, 5)

Psychoanalytic theory, however, is highly speculative, and not disprovable enough to rate (in my view, anyway) as a truly "scientific" theory. In addition, I find aspects of the above picture somewhat implausible -- particularly the notion that females are less integrated into culture than males. Females mature (socially, as well as sexually) earlier than males, and females typically show a more complete internalisation of cultural norms – i.e., they are "better behaved" – than males. Society really reflects female values more than male values and directs male behaviours toward supporting and protecting females. The idea that nature resembles women more than men is also highly debatable.

Radical Feminism
Radical Feminists tend to reject the State itself, not to mention many institutions within it, as a patriarchal framework. They believe it is neither a neutral institution which mediates between forces – the result of a flexible consensus – nor a forum within whose constraints women can achieve their political goals (as Liberal Feminists see it).

Radical Feminism is a product of the Second Wave and took over where previous factions left off. Fewer of its ideas have been implemented than is the case with Individualist Feminism or Socialist Feminism, however:

“(I)t is radical feminism which has been most theoretically innovative, rejecting traditional definitions of both politics and theory, while condemning all previous political theory as patriarchal. Unlike the Marxist approach, it has not struggled to incorporate women into a preexisting political framework, but instead attempts to shift our whole perception of society, to restructure it in terms of a radically new set of woman-centred meanings. Its aim has been to recast political identities; to reclaim language and culture from their masculine forms; to relocate significant political power; to reassess human nature and to challenge traditional values. (Coole, D. H., 1988: Women in Political Theory, p. 235)”

The main difference between Radical Feminism and other types of Feminism is that the former denies any Psychological differences between the sexes. Upbringing and education are claimed to be the causes of different male and female behaviour patterns, according to this view. And the function of differential upbringing and education for men and women is supposed to be to support the institution of male dominance (patriarchy). Radical Feminists demand the abolition of all sexually differentiated roles and the creation of an androgynous society. Needless to say, this is a philosophy created by lesbians to suit Lesbians.

“Some radical feminists ... pursue the logic of their analysis to a point where a united women's movement of the broad left becomes difficult to realize. In their view, women's physiological capacities for reproduction are analogous to the material production of the working class in traditional Marxism. Women, then, constitute a class in the same way that workers do. Just as the working class must become a class for itself by taking control of production, so, too, must women take control of their reproduction in order to become free. An absolute extension of the class analogy must lead to the idea of the destruction of the previously dominant class – men; or, at least, separation from it. Radicals demand that lesbianism be considered not merely a matter of freedom of choice but as essential political practice for feminists.” (Meehan, Elizabeth (1990): British Feminism from the 1960s to the 1980s. pp. 191-2)

One of the best-known Feminist works on sexuality is Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch (1971). This book is one of the classics of Radical Feminism. It is radical in the sense that it claims that people such as Betty Friedan did not go far enough. Setting up a female Establishment in opposition to the male Establishment, as Friedan suggested, did not help most women, according to Greer.

Shulamith Firestone's The Dialectic of Sex (1970) comes under the category of Socialist Feminism as well as Radical Feminism. This book is unusually intelligent, clear, lucid, and thorough in its approach, by Feminist standards. This does not mean that what it claims is true or undistorted. She eventually ended up in a psychiatric institution, and I don't find this very surprising.

Shulamith Firestone is one influential Feminist writer who used Marxism as a starting-point. She begins by citing the 19th Century German Communist theorist Engels with approval, though she thinks he did not go far enough:

Engels did observe that the original division of labor was between man and woman for the purposes of child-breeding; that within the family the husband was the owner, the wife the means of production, the children the labor; and that reproduction of the human species was an important economic system distinct from the means of production. (Firestone, The Dialectic of Sex, 1971, New York: Bantam, pp. 4-5)

Even if we take a narrow, purely physical view of reproduction, Engels' analysis is very distorted. The male, along with the female, is part of the means of sexual production. And many acts of sexual intercourse are usually required for each fertilisation. Moreover, the male usually expends much more energy in these acts of coitus than does the female. If there is foreplay, the man is typically much more energetic in this phase of intercourse as well as in the actual coitus.

Additionally, the ultimate "owner" of the children varies greatly from culture to culture, and time to time. The ultimate test, I would say, is who gets custody of the children in cases of separation or divorce. In the western world, this is almost always the mother. Thus, in the contemporary western world, at least, women are the real "owners" of the "product." In about ninety percent of cases, according to the consensus of fathers' rights activists on the Internet, mothers gets sole custody of their children after a divorce or separation. This bias against fathers often takes the form of the "Natural Caretaker Doctrine" – the belief that the person who has the most day-to-day contact with children is the person best suited to have custody after separation or divorce.

It is a well documented fact that fathers have a very difficult time obtaining custody due to the pervasive anti-father prejudice that still exists in many parts of the Family Court system. (

What's more, reproduction properly includes all the years devoted to rearing (feeding, housing, educating, etc.) the children. Typically, as the primary breadwinner, fathers expend a substantial proportion of their time and income for that purpose. If, as argued above, it is the mother who is the real "owner" of the children, then it is really the mother who is exploiting the father in this particular economic system. When you get right down to it, men are an oppressed minority in western society today. They are a genuine minority, unlike women, who are a privileged majority dressed up by Feminists as an oppressed minority.

Firestone thought that where Radical Feminism and human biology disagreed, it had to be human biology that gave way! In other words, she was lucid enough to see some conflicts between Radical Feminist theory and reality, but like so many other ideologues tilting at windmills, she didn't let that stop her. More recent Feminists have solved such problems by lying about the facts and bullying entire societies into believing arrant nonsense (as we have seen in previous chapters). When entire societies believe lies, this is called "ideology," "superstition" or "religion".

Firestone bases her own analysis on the following, in part uncontroversial, assertions to do with what she calls the "biological family":

1.That women throughout history before the advent of birth control were at the continual mercy of their biology – menstruation, menopause, and 'female ills', constant painful childbirth, wet nursing and care of infants, all of which made them dependent on males ... for physical survival.
2.That human infants take an even longer time to grow up than animals, and thus are helpless and, for some short period at least, dependent on adults for physical survival.
3.That a basic mother/child interdependency has existed in some form in every society, past or present, and thus has shaped the psychology of every mature female and every infant.
4.That the natural reproductive difference between the sexes led directly to the first division of labour at the origins of class, as well as furnishing the paradigm of caste (discrimination based on biological characteristics) (ibid, 8-9).

The terms "at the origins of" and "paradigm" seem to imply the sexual division of labour was a precondition for the emergence of the phenomena of class and caste. Firestone makes this claim explicit (though she still provides no evidence for it) in her definition of historical materialism:

Modern technology makes it feasible, she thinks, to overthrow the biological basis of the present sexual power-structure. This is where her psychosexual utopia comes in. She argues that women should take control of "the new population biology as well as all the social institutions of childbearing and child rearing." More radically, in her utopia there would be no such thing as family or community, but only disconnected individuals toiling for the moment:

“(G)enital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally. (A reversion to an unobstructed pansexuality -- Freud's 'polymorphous perversity' – would probably supersede hetero/homo/bi-sexuality.) The reproduction of the species by one sex for the benefit of both would be replaced by (at least the option of) artificial reproduction: children would be born to both sexes equally, or independently of either.... the dependence of the child on the mother (and vice versa) would give way to a greatly shortened dependence on a small group of others in general.... The division of labor would be ended by the elimination of labor altogether (cybernation).” (op. cit.)

One of the most influential Feminist works in recent times has been Kate Millett's Sexual Politics. Her central thesis is that one can characterise the relationship between the sexes in political terms. This insight apparently derives originally from Wilhelm Reich. It would be fairer to be more balanced than the Feminists are about the actual political relationships that exist between the sexes. Millett starts from the following assumptions:

a) the United States (and similar countries) are "patriarchies";
b) this is evident from the fact that politicians are mainly males;
c) this rule by men over women applies to all components of society, including the family.

She doesn't makes these claims very clearly or explicitly, but it is evident she believes them. And Feminism has become established to such an extent that these tenets are popularly regarded as virtually self-evident throughout the western world.

Two concepts that typify Radical Feminism are the theoretical maxim "the personal is political" and its practical corollary, "consciousness-raising".

“Within the consciousness-raising group each person's experience, each woman's life-story was a matter of interest. We understood that through listening to an individual's experience we could draw a much richer picture of how society was put together. Sexual politics provided an understanding of how society works both at an ideological level and at a material level and deepened the understanding the left had of human experience. The Women's Liberation Movement built an analysis of society founded on the nuts and bolts of individual life experience. It enlarged and challenged previous understanding of the social, economic and political basis of society.” (Luise Eichenbaum and Susie Orbach: Outside In. Inside Out. Women's Psychology: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Account, Harmondsworth:Penguin,1982,12)

I would liken this process to the gathering of data to prove a scientific hypothesis, with the major difference that consciousness-raising has a built-in bias which can be easily demonstrated by asking the (rhetorical, of course) question, "How many consciousness-raising groups did the Feminists hold to enable men to discuss how they had been oppressed by women in their lives?" In other words, "consciousness-raising" is a near-synonym to "brainwashing," "instruction" or "conversion." Radical Feminist theory (sexual politics, as conceived of by Feminists) provided the framework for women to reinterpret their lives much as religions do for converts.

Postmodern Feminism / French Feminism
A cynic might characterise Postmodern Feminism as a stage or type of Feminism that makes a virtue of the fact that contemporary Feminism is splintered and apparently directionless:

Postmodern feminists worry that because feminism purports to be an explanatory theory, it ... is in danger of trying to provide the explanation for why woman is oppressed, or the ten steps all women must take in order to achieve true liberation. (Tong 1989, 217)

Feminism is unable to do these things. Indeed, no Feminist has objectively demonstrated that women are (more) oppressed (than men) and, therefore need to be "liberated." Such an objective demonstration is a precondition for the explanatory theory they lack. The splintered nature of Postmodern Feminism is the inevitable result of the fact that none of the various factions of Feminism have been able to construct an explanatory theory. In turn, these schisms have created an environment in which the so-called "backlash" has been able to emerge.

Women's Studies
"Women's Studies" is a curious academic subject. Partly because it is new, but mostly because it has more in common with theological or ideological training than with other academic disciplines in (say) the Social Sciences.

“Women's studies, like feminism itself, presents two approaches to the question of inequality. One approach, using anthropological, biological, historical and psychological evidence, argues that women are essentially no different from men, and that therefore in a differently structured society it would be possible for divisions based upon sex or gender differences to disappear, leaving us with an equal society. The other approach argues that women are essentially different from men and that inequality results in an undervaluing of female activities and characteristics.... Women's studies can thus be seen to be linked to two concepts of equality, which we may call 'plain equal' or 'equal but different'.” (Ruth, Issues in Feminism: A First Course in Women's Studies, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980, p. 5)

It is a characteristic of the ideology of a social movement that it tries to "marry" contradictions in an attempt to maximise the political clout of the movement. Purely academic disciplines, on the other hand, tend to focus on contradictions in an attempt to reach a conclusion as to which theory is correct.
Because Women's Studies is not really an academic subject, however, we cannot expect it to objectively examine such questions as whether men are oppressed in society, whether they are oppressed by women, and whether they are oppressed more than women. Women's Studies takes the oppression of women (by men or by "Society") as a self-evident truth which no right-thinking person would even question. Even Women's Studies lecturers admit this bias toward political action rather than rigorous scholarship:

(T)he ideas, methods, curricula, and theories of Women's Studies exhibit great diversity and resist easy definition. Those now working in Women's Studies have called it variously a process, a field of inquiry, a critical perspective, a center for social action, and/or the academic arm of the women's movement. It is all of these and more. (ibid, p. 3).

Ruth is aware of the charge that Women's Studies is biased. She responds by claiming male bias (which she calls "Masculine-ism," "Masculism" or "Androcentrism") has always been a feature of Society. This may well be so, but proving many male academics have been biased does not prove Women's Studies is not biased, nor does it justify Women's Studies being biased, if it is.

Masculists/Men's Rights activists are not responsible for what male bias has existed and does exist. We do not need to defend male bias, where it exists. If Feminists reveal male bias, that is not a bad thing. However, Feminists do more than just reveal male bias, they also create female bias. One of the main aims of this book is to reveal cases of female bias. Here are some of the examples covered in this book:

1. the definition of political power and identifying who has it;
2. attitudes toward male as against female circumcision;
3. evaluating male and female courtship roles in the context of rape legislation;
4. the dissemination and interpretation of the facts of domestic violence;
5. the dissemination of information on various types of child abuse;
6. the evaluation of the legal system's treatment of men and women;
7. the evaluation of employment issues involving men and women;
8. the compilation and dissemination of UN and other statistics on gender equity;
9. the choice of issues where gender equity is demanded;
10. the definition of gender equity.